Outside academia


Teaching is important, but we need to ensure that knowledge is accessible beyond the walls of universities. Science belongs to the people, and sharing our work is always exciting!
Every time I can, I get involved in outreach activities such as science festivals, documentary film sessions, bioblitz etc..

If you are the organizer of such events and need a scientific expertise in insect ecology, evolution, or microbiomes, do not hesitate to contact me!

On top is the 2018 Bioblitz in the “forêt de Paimpont”, Brittany; On the bottom is the 2022 “Mystères de l’UNIL” festival where I animated a workshop for grade-schoolers

Illustration and crafts

I love spending hours drawing, painting, knitting, building, taking film pictures… Most of the images from this website are painted by me and you can find more of my work on my artstation website if your are curious.  

While it’s a hobby, it’s also a militant stance: I believe art complements science and should be embraced by everyone, without shaming. Let’s move away from bland BioRender illustrations and let’s transform dry slide presentations into visually engaging stories!

left: gouache painting of a man with a stinkbug outfit | right: watercolor painting of a Daphnia on a bookmark